How influencers earn 20,000€ a month with ConvertSocial

Jul 4, 2024
3 min
earnings affiliate marketing

Have you ever wondered how much content creators can earn in affiliate marketing using the ConvertSocial network? Today, we’ve got the answers you’re looking for. We’ve gathered insights from our top influencers to give you a reference point and essential tips for optimizing your affiliate marketing success and achieving similar results.

Earnings in affiliate marketing

Consistency is key. Once you’ve built a strong community and understand how to promote to them effectively, you can replicate the earnings of our top creators. The screenshot below shows influencers can earn as much as €85,000 in just one year with a flat fee and CPA payment model. If you want to participate in a flat fee project with ConvertSocial, fill in this form

Or almost €20,000 monthly. It’s a substantial amount, isn’t it? And it’s achievable for you too.

Step-by-step approach 

Developing a profitable business model and fostering a loyal community requires time and dedication. Without high engagement and trust among your followers, you won’t be able to maintain a steady income flow. But first, there are some steps you should take to ensure your foundation is set correctly.

Are you sure your niche is the right one for you? Maybe you currently post football content but have always aspired to be the next Marques Brownlee. Don’t be afraid to pursue your dreams. Test them out for a period, and if they don’t bring results, consider pivoting.

If you’ve chosen an oversaturated market, think of finding a niche within this industry with a strong following. For instance, in the beauty products niche, you might focus on clean beauty products. Finding a unique niche sets you apart and fuels success. Identify your strengths.

Research current trends and observe what other creators are doing. Platforms like TikTok offer opportunities to capitalize on trends and gain viral attention—let your creativity shine.

Check your resources

For creators, it’s natural to think about investing in new video gear, and microphones, and optimizing lighting to improve content quality, but there’s another side you should consider.

Have you experimented with different platforms and promotion strategies? Our publishers didn’t confine themselves to a single social media platform—they tested, learned, and pivoted. Building a community may take years and could involve using multiple platforms for promotion.

Are you skilled at writing? Consider starting a blog. Do you enjoy creating videos? Share them on TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts. You don’t need to achieve the same engagement level or follow on all platforms, but using multiple platforms helps you better understand your potential.

Partner up with the best 

Promote various programs to see what resonates best with your audience, whether through affiliate marketing networks like ConvertSocial or by connecting directly with advertisers. Selecting the right partners is crucial. This will drive additional traffic to your platform and enhance your credibility as a creator.

Tap into expert knowledge. Join affiliate networks to connect with experts who can provide insights on boosting your sales. Engage with the creator community. You can learn from fellow creators by consuming their content on their platforms but you can also check out our influencers’ guides:

How to grow a beauty Instagram account with AudreyFlo

A guide to becoming a micro-influencer by Zara Khan

Earning on YouTube with LifeWithDylan 

Social media monetization with Dre Fox

With these insights, you’re well on your way to success, and your journey with ConvertSocial could be the next one we celebrate.

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